Radiology and diagnostic imaging are critical services that support all medical specialities. It is through radiological investigations that correct diagnosis and appropriate medical treatment may be provided. Our Department of Radiology offers precise diagnostic imaging timely reporting and Image guided Interventional Radiology Services.
The department is equipped with best-in-class technology. Some of the latest radiology apparatus includes a Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) that is used to archive and report every image that is generated. It allows doctors to access these images from any system in the hospital. The MAGNETOM Avanto 1.5 Tesla Tim+Dot System MRI machine by Siemens offers a high level of flexibility with standard applications for imaging each part of the body. It is equipped with a broad range of MR applications in every clinical field. It also provides excellent image quality, short scan time and is extremely user-friendly. For foetal imaging, there is an option for 3D/4D imaging for early diagnosis of foetal anomalies and facilitate feto-maternal bonding. There is a new addition of Interventional Radiology service which includes minimally invasive procedures like Angioplasty for peripheral vascular diseases, percutaneous image guided biopsies; uterine fibroid embolisation, RFA/Microwave ablations and chemoembolisation for tumours; Nephrostomics & biliary drainages, performed under local anaesthesia.
We constantly update our knowledge about new sub-domains of radiology to ensure patients get accurate reports and receive quality care and treatment
Our team of expert radiologists follow strict norms laid down by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) to provide you with safe imaging services. We provide 24-hour radiology services for emergency cases. No prior appointments are needed for X-Rays and other simple investigations. However, patients are required to take a prior appointment for investigations like CT, MRI scans and for Interventional Radiology Services.
Our investigations and procedures include:
- X-Ray
- Plain X-ray
- Barium studies – the insertion of barium helps track the outline of the gastrointestinal tract and stomach for anomalies
- Contrast studies – commonly used to diagnose fallopian tube blockages
- Ultrasound
- Colour Doppler – a specialized ultrasound that studies blood vessels
- CT scan
- Mammogram – a scanning technique used to detect breast cancer
- CT guided procedures – biopsies and percutan drainages
- Orthopantomogram
- Bone densitometry (DEXA)
- MRI scans
- Interventional radiology – an ultrasound and CT scan for biopsy and tube insertions
- Trans-rectal biopsy
Interventional radiology:
- Peripheral vascular disease: In hypertensive and diabetics, with leg pain, the basic pathology is reduction in vessel size arteries of the leg due to atheromatous plaque. In Interventional radiology, the vessel size is increased by angioplasty to restore the vessel size and improve blood flow in the leg. In resistant/recurrent narrowing, a stent may be inserted to restore the blood flow.
- Embolisations: In any active bleeding, the bleeding artery is selectively blocked from within to stop the bleeding. In varicoceles, a small 2-3 mm incision may be made to access the abnormal veins and embolise (block) the veins. In hemoptysis, the bronchial arterial bleeding vessel may be embolised to relieve the hemoptysis.
- Uterine fibroid embolisation: This is a novel technique to shrink symptomatic uterine fibroids. This involves no surgery for the fibroid and the person can resume normal activities on the very next day. There is no abdominal scar and women wishing to retain their uterus are encouraged to adopt this form of treatment worldwide.
- Sclerotherapy for varicose veins – This is a non-surgical alternative for treatment of varicose veins in which intra-venous treatment is used for healing the dilated veins with cosmetic appearance of the leg maintained; as this does not involve cutting large areas of the skin.
- Fistulopasty for AV-fistulas in dialysis patients. Insertion/management of Hemodialysis catheters.
- For all AV-fistulas, in dialysis patients, there is occasionally block or inadequate flow through the fistula. We at BBH aim at restoring the fistulas and use them, as long as possible, through appropriate endovascular interventional radiological procedures. This reduces the need for additional fistula creation and catheter based dialysis, which are inferior to fistula based dialysis.
- However, patients in whom AV-fistulas are possible and are on catheter-based dialysis have any flow problems in the catheters, appropriate management of catheter related flow-problems may be done through interventional radiological procedures to restore the flow.
- Interventional Oncology: Intra-arterial chemoembolisation liver-malignancies is the main stray of treatment in non-operable tumours. We provide TACE/TARE for such tumours.
- Percutaneous image guided biopsy and drainage
- Any biopsy, anywhere in the body,
- Post operative/Infective collections may be drained percutaneously, without the need for a surgical drainage for the same.
- Tumour Ablations
- Small tumours may be ablated without surgical excision as a day care procedure

Dr. Asha Thomas
Sr. Consultant Radiologist and Pediatrics Radiologist
25 years of experience
MBBS, DMRD & DNB, Fellowship in Pediatrics Radiology

Dr. Alfred Inbaraj
Consultant - Interventional Radiology
12 years of experience
MBBS, DMRD, MD, DNB – Radiology, Post Doctoral Fellowship in Vascular and Neuro Interventional Radiology

Dr. Praveen Kumar
6 years of experience
MBBS, DMRD, DNB Radio Diagnosis

Dr. Rajasekaran K. R.
Sr. Consultant Radiologist & Head of the Department
11 years of experience
MBBS, DNB - Radiology

Dr. Sandhya G. H.
Sr. Consultant
10 years of experience
MBBS, DNB – Radio Diagnosis

Dr. Priya Appanraj
Consultant Radiology
13 years of experience
MBBS, MD Radiology, FRCR (UK),

Dr. Sarfaraz Hussain Adnan
7 years of experience
MBBS, MD Radio Diagnosis