Bangalore Baptist Hospital provides quality blood transfusion services with safe blood components 24/7 the in-house blood bank ensures the availability of all blood types needed for inpatient treatments as well as emergency cases. We procure blood from healthy donors and prepare components such as packed red cell, fresh frozen plasma, and platelet concentrate. To ensure the fitness for transfusion of the collected blood, we do a thorough test. These components are then used as and when indicated for the targeted treatment of patients.
Our team of three dedicated, qualified pathologists constantly explore new ways and technologies to keep the blood bank up-to-date. We adhere to protocols to ensure accuracy and monitor key performance indicators closely to ensure consistent quality. All methodologies used for preparation and testing of blood are as specified by standard textbooks and the National Aids Control Organization (NACO). We meet all the requirements stated by the Drug Controller.
Our platelet Aphresis units are prepared using a technique that allows a donor of any blood group to donate.
We also honour requests for units from other hospitals and nursing homes, subject to availability. Actively engaging in in-house activities to spread awareness on blood donation, donor motivation while overseeing the rational use of blood and its components are some of the other activities of the department.
- Components – Red Cells, FFP and Random Donor Platelets
- Single Donor Platelets / Platelet Apheresis
- Therapeutic Phlebotomy

Dr. Neena John Joseph
Consultant & Head of the department
24 years of experience
MBBS, MD - Pathology

Dr. Balachandra Bhat
14 years of experience
MBBS, MD (Pathology)