Our team of specialised doctors and nurses are available 24/7 to save lives during an emergency. The team plays a crucial role in preventing deaths and disability by providing early and appropriate care to critically ill patients.

The Emergency Department is well equipped with ventilators, multiparameter monitors,point of a care ultrasound machine, cardiac enzymes & ECG machines. Full-time, trained counsellors are available to give emotional support for people in need.

Our team of medical professionals attend to every patient, irrespective of their financial status or background. The department follows a Triage system – wherein the sickest patient gets immediate attention on arrival to the Emergency Department and the appropriate treatment is initiated. The emergency department also facilitates all patients requiring definitive specialised care.

Training Programmes

We conduct training activities, such as medical skill training (this includes essential life support and advanced cardiac life support training), first aid training, first responder training and basic life support training. Such training equips people to handle emergencies wherever they are. We are one of the few centres approved by the National Board of Examinations to conduct post-graduate training in Emergency Medicine (DNB).


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