Dr. Shivakumar Shivanna
MBBS, MD- Anaesthesiology & Critical Care, FCARCSI- Anaesthesiology & Critical Care, FRCA-Anaesthesiology & Critical Care
Sr. Consultant & Head of the Department
Experience 27 Years
Dr Shivakumar Shivanna trained both in India and the United Kingdom with extensive experience in the Anesthesiology and Intensive Care. He gained his MD in Anesthesiology from the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi and also trained in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care from United Kingdom. He has obtained Fellowship qualifications from United Kingdom (FRCA) and Ireland (FCARCSI). His last employment was at Ministry of presidential affairs, United Arab Emirates, where he performed his duties as consultant in Anesthesiology and Intensive care, as well as hospital deputy CMO. Previously Worked as Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain at M S Ramaiah Medical College. Apart from the Academic skills, he has experience in Postgraduate training. He has keen interest in hospital quality improvement projects, and evidence based clinical practice.
Karnataka Medical College, Karnataka
MD - Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Anaesthesiology & Critical Care
Anaesthesiology & Critical Care
- Adult Critical Care
- ACLS Instructor
- Teaching