Dr. Dominic G. Benjamin
DNB (Int. Med.), CCT (Geriatrics and Int. Med.), MRCP (Int. Med. & Geriatrics), CIDC (Diabetes, UK), PGDip ( Bio-statistics), MNAMS, FRCP( Lond. & Edin.)
Sr. Consultant & HOD - Geriatrics Medicine
Experience 25 Years
Consultation days
Mon. & Wed. 09:30 am – 01:30 pm Sat. 09:30 am – 12:30 pm
Consultation with prior appointment*
Tue. & Fri. 09:30 am – 01:30 pm Sat. 09:30 am – 12:30 pm
*Walk in consultation subject to availability of slots
Special evening clinic with appointment
Thu. 04:30 pm – 06:00 pm
Dr. Dominic has vast experience in treatment for older adults, providing them with comprehensive care, including their rehabilitation and restoration to independent living. He has specialized training in Internal Medicine, Geriatrics & Diabetics for older adults and management of falls, osteoporosis and other ailments of older adults.
Before joining us, Dr. Dominic worked as a Consultant Physician and Geriatrician with the Aneurin Bevan Health Board, Newport, Wales, UK. Started “Hospital at home -Frailty Service, first of its kind in the UK. He also has worked as a senior lecturer in Nephrology.
Dr. Dominic is also highly respected among his peer as a lead author in many indexed journals and textbooks.
St Johns Medical College, Bangalore
DNB (Internal Medicine)
MRCP (Geriatrics) and C.C.T (Geriatrics)
JRCPTB – Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board, UK
CIDC (Diabetes), UK
PGDip- Biostatistics
FRCP (Edinburgh) and FRCP (London)
- Specialisation in Geriatrics & Diabetics for older adults
- Ageing Specialist
- Health promotion, screening, vaccination for older adults through AGEWELL CLINIC
- Comprehensive care for an older person
- Management of Diabetes/Dementia/Falls/Osteoporosis/Stroke
- Rehabilitation and Restoration to independent living.
- Adult Vaccination
- Collaborative care with palliative care
- Outreach clinic in the community for the underprivileged